Thursday, October 18, 2012

DIY Football Door Hanger

Football season is right around the corner. Here's a cute way to display your love for your favorite team on your door for around 20 bucks (or less if you have a lot of these materials on hand.)
What you will need:
5 different patterns of ribbon in your team colors
Puff Paint in two colors (one dark, one light)
Paint in your favorite team colors
Bags or Newspaper for stuffing
Round foam paint brush
1/2 yard of burlap

1. To begin trace out your football shape onto the burlap to use as a guide for cutting.
2. Fold burlap in half and cut the two sides completely out. You may want to line up your sides before painting to make sure they match correctly.
3. Trace out the design you are going to use directly onto the burlap.
4. Lay down the base coat of paint and don't worry it will take a good amount to completely cover the burlap. (make sure you have something underneath as it does seep through. Go green and re-use a shopping bag!)
5. After the first coat has completely dried, use your round foam brush to make the different color circles on the white trim. And outline your team name/logo in your lighter puff paint color.
6. Once the circle have completely dried, outline your white trim and top laces in your darker puff paint color. Wait for it to dry and then line up your two pieces and staple together until you have just enough room to stuff the football. Then, using your recycled newspaper or bags, evenly stuff the football until it is nice and puffy and without wrinkles.
7. Cut one long piece of ribbon (use your thickest one) to use as the hanger for the football. Staple this piece to the back of the football. Then cut 6 inch pieces of your remaining ribbon and tie them to the middle of the large ribbon.
8. Hang on your door and let your team spirit show!

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